Launch 17 – Polar Mun Com

Polar Mun Com
Mass: 73.144
Cost: 32,295
Class: Communication Satellite
Crew: None

This mission was an attempt to knock out the last few active contracts we have, make a couple bucks and take some obligations of the shoulders of S.S.A.

We were able to do it insanely cheap, and now we have some extra bandwidth around the Mun.

Sunday Drive – Lil’ Science Cart

Lil’ Science Cart
Mass: 3.142
Cost: 33,113
Class: Car
Crew: Insert Name Here

We realized not only is there science floating in space but also right here at our doorstep.

We scrapped together the little parts we had and made a quick cart to drive around and collect the lil’ bits of science hidden in the corners of our own space agency.

Launch 15 – Luma Station

Luma Station
Mass: 204.477
Cost: 77,063
Class: Space Station Part
Crew: Munbro kerman (not joking)

It’s time for a Mun Space Station, we need the ability to refuel, connect, and support the science station on the ground. Luma station now orbits at 100km above the equator of the Mun.

With a crew capacity of 5 this starting piece to our Mun Space Station will be used many years to come.

Launch 14 – Kerbal Safety Retrieval System (again)

Kerbal Safety Retrieval System
Mass: 306.919
Cost: 76,761
Class: LKO Kerbal Pickup
Crew: None until plus one

Grabbed the 3 Kerbals in the one ship from the last run, and the final fourth kerbal.

Brought them home safely.

Launch 11 – Geosat Delivery System

Geosat Delivery System
Mass: 49.922
Cost: 33,651
Class: Satellite Deployment System
Crew: None

When planning for unkerbal’d missions one must maintain almost constant contact with the probe in question. These two new geosynchronous com sats will hopefully help us in that department, and hey it was cheap.

Launch 10 – Low Orbit Kerbal Retrieval Unit

L.O.K.R.U (Low-ka-roo)
Mass: 58.868
Cost: 20,529
Class: Single Kerbal Atmospheric Re-Entry Vehicle
Crew: None, Until there is One

When we got the call that Mary Kerbal was stuck in LKO we rang the bell to wake up the warehouse crew and pull out that dusty ol’ Kerbal Retreaval Unit.

As if we had done this a thousand times before, we were able rendezvous with Mary’s ship and bring her home within a day’s time.

Another free kerbalnaught to add to the agency.

Launch 9 – Communication Satellite Charlie

Communication Satellite Charlie
Mass: 60.083
Cost: 35,598
Class: Communication Satellite
Crew: None

With the Mun base operational we needed a decent way of sending and receiving information from the surface. This somewhat inexpensive x3 dish com sat does the job.

Launch 8 – Communication Satellite Beta

Communication Satellite Beta
Mass: 45.534
Cost: 27,258
Class: Communications Satellite
Crew: None

We need better communication for our unmanned ships and science experiments. We are looking to make the best and cheapest product possible.

This com sat comes with 3 2.0G Relay Dishes and has enough fuel to end up in any orbit around Kebin. Possibly even the Mun, future launches will let us know if that’s possible.

It’s got our best tech on it and will help us set up the future Mun base successfully.

Launch 7 – Mun Lander – II

Mun Lander – II
Mass: 188.743
Cost: 70,352
Class: Zero Atmosphere Lander
Crew: Bob Kerman

After the loss of Jebediah we needed a win and a win we got. Bob Kerman sucessfully landed on the Mun, did some science and is awaiting more supplies for a long term Mun Base.

We were able to not only send a larger payload but it cost less to do it.

Launch 5 – CSDS – II

Communication Satellite Deployment System – II
Mass: 109.346
Cost: 67,858
Class: Pilot Assisted Satellite Deployment System
Crew: Valentina Kerman

Once again Valentina strapped into the new CSDS ready to pilot the ship again and this time was successful in setting up the satellite relays but upon re-entry was burned up in the atmosphere.

A moment of silence for Valentina Kerman.