Launch 4 – TS25-Stack Tester

TS25-Stack Tester
Mass: 50.15
Cost: 29,415
Class: Orbital Ship
Crew: Unmanned

Another job for the cash. Needed to test some new equipment out of Kerbin’s atmosphere.

Launch 3 – Passenger Holder I

Passenger Holder I
Mass: 62.2
Cost: 31,806
Class: Suborbital Ship
Crew: 1 (Jebidiah Kermin), 2 Passenger

Hey some folks wanted to give us some helpful starting cash for a quick ride out of the atmosphere. We were happy to oblige.

Launch 2 – Kerbin Orbitor I

Kerbin Orbitor I
Mass: 50.326
Cost: 28,479
Class: Orbital Ship
Crew: 1 (Jebidiah Kermin)

Orbiter or Orbitor or none of those. Well just getting some science and stuff.

Launch 1 – S.S.A. Launcher I

S.S.A. Launcher I
Mass: 8.1
Cost: 17,080
Class: Sub-Orbit Satellite
Crew: unmanned

Only launched to get some quick cash and test out the new system.

Launch 44 – Kerbal Minmus Station Retrieval

Mortimus Return Vessel
Mass: 349.9
Cost: 88,394
Class: Kerbal Pickup Ship
Crew: Munbro (returning with Maya and Tedrim)

We’re done with Minmus and thus recalling our employee’s back to Kerbin for future missions.

Launch 43 – Eve Com Relay

Communications Satellite
Mass: 349.0
Cost: 88,395
Class: Com Sat
Crew: None

A large dish long range communications satellite orbiting high above Eve.

Launch 42 – Quick Jeb

Mech-Jeb docking Add-on Unit
Mass: 66.16
Cost: 23,094
Class: Add-on unit
Crew: None

A small docking unit for the Mining rig to add Mech-jeb capable calculations.

Launch 41 – Kerbal Transfer Pod

Kerbal Transfer Pod
Mass: 168.39
Cost: 65,688
Class: Crew Transportation
Crew: Mauford, Boblie, and Tiwise

With the Mining Rig in orbit of Kerbin but without a crew (safety first, didn’t want to launch the heaviest rocket not knowing if it would explode during liftoff), the Minmus scanner scanning Minmus, the next step was to get out dream team aboard the ship.

This launch got all 3 Kerbals and the supply tools aboard the Mining Rig without breaking a sweat. A Engineer incase anything breaks, a Scientist to refresh the equipment, and a pilot to fly when communication is out.

It also landed back at Kerbin to save some currency.

Launch 40 – Minmus Moon Scanner

Planet Scanner Long Range
Mass: 342.95
Cost: 161,462
Class: Planet Scanner
Crew: None

Attached to this planet scanner is our new xenon gas electron propulsion system. Getting this to Minmus was easier than expected and it’s currently holding over 5KM/s of thrust.

After Scanning Minmus we can aim our flagship mining rig in it’s direction to test it’s first ore to fuel mission capabilities.