Launch 3 – Passenger Holder I

Passenger Holder I
Mass: 62.2
Cost: 31,806
Class: Suborbital Ship
Crew: 1 (Jebidiah Kermin), 2 Passenger

Hey some folks wanted to give us some helpful starting cash for a quick ride out of the atmosphere. We were happy to oblige.

Launch 2 – Kerbin Orbitor I

Kerbin Orbitor I
Mass: 50.326
Cost: 28,479
Class: Orbital Ship
Crew: 1 (Jebidiah Kermin)

Orbiter or Orbitor or none of those. Well just getting some science and stuff.

Launch 1 – S.S.A. Launcher I

S.S.A. Launcher I
Mass: 8.1
Cost: 17,080
Class: Sub-Orbit Satellite
Crew: unmanned

Only launched to get some quick cash and test out the new system.